Configuring readers

2024-02-21Last updated

For Security Center to monitor and control the readers connected to your Axis Powered by Genetec unit, make sure the configuration on the Powered by Genetec page matches what you have on your device.

Before you begin

Watch the following video to learn how to configure a Card-in/REX-out door and a Card-in/Card-out door controlled by an Axis Powered by Genetec A1610 unit. The process for an A1210 unit is the same.


  1. In the Powered by Genetec page, click Hardware > Readers .
  2. Select the Port that you want to configure, and then select the Reader type.
  3. If you select Wiegand, there is nothing more to configure.
    Powered by Genetec - Hardware page - Hardware section - Readers tab, with Wiegand selected as reader type on Port 1.
  4. If you select OSDP, select the baud rate.
    The baud rate must be the same for all readers connected to the same port.
    Powered by Genetec - Hardware page - Hardware section - Readers tab, with OSDP selected as reader type on Port 1 and the baud rate set to 9600.
  5. If no reader is shown, click to add a first reader, and then enter its physical Address.
    Powered by Genetec - Hardware page - Hardware section - Readers tab, with one OSDP reader configured on Port 1 at Address 2, and with Encryption enabled.
  6. If using encryption, turn on the Encrypted switch, and enter the Encryption key (32 hexadecimal characters).
    If the reader was previously configured for secure communication, copy-paste the existing encryption key. Otherwise, set the reader to installation mode (see the reader manufacturer's documentation), and copy-paste the key of your choice.

    To learn how to enable the OSDP secure channel between the Axis Powered by Genetec unit and its readers, watch this short video.

  7. If you have a second OSDP reader connected to the same port, click and configure Reader 2 in the same way as Reader 1.
  8. To remove a reader, click .