You can verify the firmware versions running on your Axis Powered by Genetec unit in
three places. On the unit's Identity page in Config Tool, in the Security
Center Hardware inventory task, and on the unit itself through the AXIS
device interface.
What you should know
Do not confuse the Synergis™ Softwire app with the Synergis Softwire
software. The former runs on Axis Powered by Genetec units and is distributed as part of
the Axis firmware. The latter runs on Synergis™ appliances and is distributed as part of
the Synergis appliance firmware.
Two pieces of firmware run on each Axis Powered by Genetec unit:
Synergis Softwire app, called Firmware in Security Center
Axis firmware (AXIS OS), called Platform in Security Center
Both Firmware and Platform versions are displayed in the
Identity page of the Axis Powered by Genetec unit in Config Tool.
To verify the Synergis Softwire app version in the Hardware inventory
Sign in to Security Center using either Config Tool or Security Desk.
Open the Hardware inventory task.
Search for the Axis Powered by Genetec units found on your system and click
Generate report.
The Synergis Softwire app version is indicated in the Firmware
version column, and the Axis firmware version is indicated in the
Platform version column.