Deleting archived and obsolete logs

2024-04-19Last updated

To free storage space on an Axis Powered by Genetec unit, you can delete the archived and obsolete logs.

Before you begin

Download all logs before deleting anything as a safety precaution.

What you should know

  • Archived logs refer to Synergis™ Softwire logs that have been compressed to conserve storage space. A log file is compressed when it becomes too large.
  • Obsolete logs refer to logs generated by a previous version of the Synergis Softwire app. These logs no longer adhere to the current log format.


  1. Go to the Powered by Genetec page.
  2. Click the Logs tab.
    Powered by Genetec page with the Logs tab selected.
  3. In the Download diagnostic logs section, click Delete archived and obsolete logs.
    Powered by Genetec page - Logs - Download diagnostic logs section.
    All archived and obsolete logs are permanently deleted.